Speak Agile To Me:
I have blogged about some of these elsewhere, but a quick glossary of terms that you might hear when talkingAgile or Digital Transformation.
Why it’s ok to recognise that not everyone is the same.
At our LGBT* AGM a few weeks ago there were some really good conversations about what we could do to keep growing our network and supporting both the LGBT* members of our organisation, and ensuring as an organisation we are recognising what good looks like in terms of care for LGBT* people, and how we…
Making a change or making progress.
At a leadership conference recently there was an interesting debate about whether people perceived making a change or making progress to be more important. Everyone on my table voted for making a change, my vote initially was for making progress, and so we debated what the difference was. For me, change can be positive or…
DWP Videos featuring me!
Changing perceptions of Women in Leadership
Originally published at on November 3, 2017. Last month we delivered a breakout session at the Women into Leadership conference in Leeds. The conference is about managing the challenges of modern leadership, recognising and rewarding female leaders, and enhancing leadership opportunities for women so they can build skills to become the leader they aspire…
Bringing Product and Design together to build a user centric culture
Why bringing Product and Design together is such a good idea. Within the Product Management community we often talk about the importance of the Vision and how critical a prioritised backlog is. Making sure we understand our users needs and making sure we deliver quality services that meet those users needs. Recently Service Design as…
What does a Product Owner own anyway?
Recently Ross Ferguson wrote a great blog about why GDS chose Product Manager rather than Product Owner as the role title of its Product people. Ross is right when he says that Product Management is the profession, and more widely understood by the wider industry, so why do we in DWP not use that term…