
  • Having a vision

    I regularly talk to organisations about why having vision and mission statements are important. Over the years I’ve seen many good examples and some bad ones too, both inside and outside the public sector. They often seems to be overlooked when deciding to transform an organisation, instead companies tend to focus on their Target Operating Model or…

  • Thomas Cook and how not to go digital.

    Sat by a pool in the sunshine waiting to hear about how I’ll get home now Thomas Cook have gone bust, I am reading the news and scrolling through Twitter hashtags thinking about how many companies have stumbled and fallen with the rise of the internet of now.  One of the main causes being attributed…

  • Measuring cost vs. measuring value?

    Discussing the differences between Product Management in the Private and Public sector. There has always been a perceived difference in how Product Managers in the public and private sector work, what their priorities are and their key focuses. Historically at its most simplistic the view has been that within the Public sector the Product Manager…

  • When is Digital not Digital?

    When it’s not about user needs or human centric design, but instead about fixing technological infrastructure. When it’s not about transforming the service but keeping the lights on systems. When it’s not about asking “why?”, because you already know the solution you want. As Tom Loosemore said, Digital is applying the culture, practices, processes &…

  • Building a case based on assumptions

    Why you shouldn’t start with the business case. I’ve been working within Digital transformation for almost ten years now, working on some of the largest projects and programmes within the public sector. From front line services to backend systems, from simple forms to complex benefit processing applications. One thing that has been a feature of every…

  • #GovermentIsOpen

    Why we need to bring user centric design into our Communications in the public Sector. Having been involved in the hiring of many Content and Interaction Designers in the last few years, we’ve always preferred candidates from within the Public Sector, because they tend to have the same specialisms as we in the Digital Data…

  • Being a visible leader with an invisible disability.

    Hi, I’m Zoe and I’m a NeuroDiverse Senior Civil Servant. Last week I attended Civil Service Live, it was an interesting day, with sessions on everything from AI and keeping abreast of new technologies, to Transformation to resilience and personal wellbeing. The session that stood out most for me was the “Making Government an event greater…

  • Delivering Digital Government 2019

    This week Claire Harrison (Head of Architecture from CQC) and I had the opportunity to attend the Delivering Digital Goverment event run by Worth Systems in The Hague. The event was focused on how digital has transformed governments across the world, sharing best practices and lessons learned. With speakers from the founding of GDS, like…

  • WomenInDigi19

    How we as leaders can keep supporting people As I sat listening to the conversations happening at the Women in Digital event on Wednesday, it occurred to me that although the point of the day was around creating more opportunities and continuing to support women working within digital, so many of the things that we…

  • Why am I going to be flying my Pride flag extra high this Pride Month

    Looking round the news over the last 12 months and you could be mistaken for thinking in some places we’re back in the 80’s if not earlier. This week has brought news of Nazi’s attending Pride marches in America, Russia has been rolling back LGBTQ* rights for over a year now. In the UK there…

Digital and Agile Specialist

Zoe on the go