Tag: culture
Talking Digital Transformation
It’s something that has come up a lot in conversations at the moment, what is Digital Transformation? What does Digital Transformation mean to me? I always joke that it’s my TED talk subject, if I had one; as such I thought why not write a blog about it? What is Digital Transformation? According to Wikipedia,…
How to change a culture
When delivering digital or business transformation, one of the things that often gets overlooked is the cultural changes that are needed to embed the transformation succesfully. There can be many reasons why this happens, either because it’s not been considered, because it’s not been considered a priority, or simply because the people leading the transformation…
When is Digital not Digital?
When it’s not about user needs or human centric design, but instead about fixing technological infrastructure. When it’s not about transforming the service but keeping the lights on systems. When it’s not about asking “why?”, because you already know the solution you want. As Tom Loosemore said, Digital is applying the culture, practices, processes &…
Bringing Product and Design together to build a user centric culture
Why bringing Product and Design together is such a good idea. Within the Product Management community we often talk about the importance of the Vision and how critical a prioritised backlog is. Making sure we understand our users needs and making sure we deliver quality services that meet those users needs. Recently Service Design as…